Saturday, August 4, 2012

Stop and Reflect

Today, I got back in touch with my intern supervisor from Denver Botanic Gardens and two things happened:

#1: I completely forgot to give a shout-out to Katy in my recent blog post!
#2: Without intending to, Katy reminded me to go back and read my blog posts from the past.

Katy is one of my most favorite people I met a year ago in Denver.  She was my supervisor at DBG and good friend that made my experience there a great one!

To Katy: I'll never forget the time when we had to weed that area near the fence where it smelled SO bad, and I couldn't stop laughing at your reaction when we'd expose another pocket of stench.  Your laugh is one of my favorite parts about you!  It's contagious, sincere, and so warm.  Thank you for all the lunch adventures with coworkers and volunteers, for being so patient with me and my learning curve, for teaching me everything I ever wanted to know about seeds, and for being such a positive influence on me.  If I ever end up back in Denver, we will definitely be meeting up for some Ethiopian food.  :)

Our seed collecting adventures!

Now for the #2 part of this blog post:  Katy sent me a message on Facebook mentioning that she'd read my blog, and it reminded me that I hadn't read my own blog in a very long time.  What an eye-opener to read about all these experiences and insights I'd had in the past that I forgot about!  

I am a HUGE fan of writing things down and keeping records.  It's amazing what you forget about and also how much something you wrote 5 years ago can help you today.  This week, I used a "smash book" I got from Arica for graduation to put all these cards and letters I'd been saving since I was a kid.  I picked the ones that meant a lot to me and put them in this book.  I can't tell you how many times I've gone back and flipped through the pages to re-read letters from over a decade ago from my dad or a birthday card from a friend.  

Life is wonderful.  :)

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